Sofia 1404
8, Riccardo Vaccarini str.
Т: +359 2 423 97 40,
М: 0886 182 201
In cooperation with Sega Daily, Maria’s World Foundation has launched the I Have a Dream project with the participation of the clients of the Worlds Day Care Centre for work skills training. Through a series of events we will enable each of the clients we work with to come closer to one of their dreams, make it true and live it.
The articles dedicated to the dreams of the Worlds Day Care Centre are published in the Sega Daily in the framework of project BG051PO001-7.0.07-0068 ‘Maria’s World: establishing a Day Care Centre for work skills training for people with mild to moderate intellectual difficulties—an innovative day care model for people with intellectual difficulties’, which is financed by the Human Resources Development Operational Programme.
In 2013, we made the dreams of four young people with intellectual difficulties—Victor, Radi, Todor and Ani—come true.
Ani’s dream
Ani is bound to a wheelchair but, like most of her peers, dreams of having a job as a journalist. Owing to Maria’s World Foundation and Sega Daily Ani interviewed Hasan Ademov, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. At the meeting with Minister Ademov, she shone as a successful interviewer and despite much trepidation asked him the following important question: ‘What is the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy doing to change the life of people with disabilities?’.
The interview was published in the newspaper (Issue 4808 (231) of 4 October 2013) The full interview is available on the newspaper’s website here: and on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy here:
The dream of Victor and Radi
Our new friends from „Scania Bulgaria" turned the dream of two of the clients of the Worlds Day Care Centre to drive a big truck into a reality.
For years on end, Victor has been following online information about public transport in Sofia and takes an avid interest in different vehicles, and the new trams in particular. He travels independently to each part of town and secretly dreams of having a driver’s licence.
The two friends had never imagined that they will sit behind the wheel of a professional Scania truck together and be able to see the road from such a height, feel the smell of fuel and taste happiness.
Scania’s management took the idea to heart and helped us make Radi and Victor’s idea come true, organising a test drive with an instructor along a seven kilometre stretch of road. The experience was absolutely authentic and left an indelible memory in the hearts and minds of our clients. The two friends are convinced that all can be happy if they help and support each other like a big family.
An article dedicated to the initiative was published in the Sega Daily (Issue 4923 (48) of 26 February 2014).
Toshko’s dream
Thirty-one year old Todor is one of the clients of the Worlds Day Care Centre and a loyal fan of the Levski football team. Football is his world and Levski—the football team—his greatest passion. He knows a lot about the team and has been to dozens of their games, including some played for the Championship League and League Europe.
His favourite football player is Orlin Starokin. When Toshko starts talking about him a huge smile lights up his face. The Foundation made Toshko’s dream come true by inviting his favourite player and Levski’s coach to visit the Day Care Centre.
The party came to the centre in the company of Stanislav Angelov and the youth team player Antonio Vutov. They had prepared presents for all young people at the Centre and Starokin gave Toshko one of his T-shirts. The young people with intellectual difficulties returned the gesture by making gifts of blue, hand-made soaps to the football players and their coach.
Owing to the social commitment of the football club’s management and of the players Toshko’s dream has become a reality.
Sofia 1404
8, Riccardo Vaccarini str.
Т: +359 2 423 97 40,
М: 0886 182 201