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20181117 092643

Project goal:

To ensure that the social enterprise Bon Appetit by Maria’s World is able to continue to operate in the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Project goal:

Support the direct business needs and costs of the social enterprise Bon Appetit by Maria’s World.

Owing to the project a new activity will be implemented at the social enterprise – daily preparation of a separate packaged lunch menu from high-quality ingredients in compliance with the highest hygiene standards.

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Gerb Sofia

Project goal:

The project aims to approbate an innovative approach to the active inclusion of vulnerable groups, citizens and stakeholders in mutual dialogue to discuss the support, content, modus operandi and attitude of social services and social workers.

The project envisages the active involvement of vulnerable groups and citizens in discussions about assistance and social work in a manner that is understandable and accessible to them and aims to prevent the key threat of social work becoming discredited due to disinformation and loss of interest in the wider community in the work carried out in the area of social work.

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Gerb Sofia

Project goal:

The project aims to make 21st century digital communication tools accessible to people with intellectual difficulties and enhance interest in digital skills, safe use and an accepting attitude on the part of users and their families. Through the development of digital skills the project will promote and encourage better communication with other people with and without disabilities and help the target group overcome isolation while supporting the process of building skills for independent living.

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EU flag Erasmus vect POS

The project aims to support implementation of new approaches to ‘learning by doing’ concept for adults with intellectual disabilities through improving their competences for labor and social integration in accordance with the principles of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and good European practices.

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IMG 1977

Project goal:

Development of advocacy and self-advocacy of people with intellectual difficulties from the Worlds Day Care Centre through:
• Development of a self-advocacy group and self-advocacy skills and raising the level of self-advocacy activity in 2020.
• Raising the active inclusion and visibility of people with intellectual difficulties in society and promoting the cause of acceptance of people with disabilities.

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20190613 153500

Objective of the project:

The project will set-up a creative laboratory for people with intellectual difficulties at Worlds Day Care Centre. The aim is to foster the clients’ ability to express themselves and develop their creative potential.
The Lab will offer hands-on work sessions in four creative modules (pottery, painting, drama and music) in line with the clients’ interests and preferences as well as visits to art exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events. Actors, social workers and volunteers will be involved in these activities.
The created artworks will be presented at an exhibition.

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DSC 7912

Целта на проекта е да се създаде и стартира работа първи по рода си център за обучение и развитие на трудови умения за хора с интелектуални затруднения. Моделът ще бъде базиран на френската социална практика за социално и трудово включване на тази уязвима група.

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проект БАЛИЗ

Целта на проекта е пилотиране на предоставянето на подкрепа за изграждане на трудови умения за хората с интелектуални затруднения в иновативния обучителен трудов център „Надежда“.
Ще бъде осигурена подкрепа за широк кръг младежи и възрастни хора с интелектуални затруднения, потребители на повече от една социална услуга. Ще бъде подпомогнато и облагородяването на пространството, оформящо се като „социален парк“ в сградата и двора на бившия дом „Асен Златаров“.

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Проект СоцИнов

И емоционалното състояние, и личностното развитие са компоненти на качеството на живот на хората с интелектуални затруднения. За тяхното развитие са нужни целенасочени усилия, които в максимална степен съобразяват спецификите на младежите, към които са насочени.
Целта на проекта е повишаване на емоционалното благосъстояние и осигуряване на личностно развитие на хората с интелектуални затруднения. Реализирането на планираните по проекта дейности ще допринесе за тяхното постигане.

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Sofia 1404
8, Riccardo Vaccarini str.
Т: +359 2 423 97 40,
М: 0886 182 201
E: office@mariasworld.org

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